Education without borders



Our Vision is to empower disadvantaged and at risk children around the world by instilling a love of learning through educational opportunities.

The South African Film Festival is part of a larger group of international South African Festivals all supporting Education without Borders (EwB), an education foundation operating in SA since 2002.

SAFF USA is a registered not for profit charity permitted to issue tax deductible receipts for all donations. We are responsible for accountability and transparency of funds raised as well as ensuring compliance with the IRS. Our fully functioning board liaises regularly with SAFF Canada, SAFF Australia & New Zealand and South Africa.


Education without Borders provides educational opportunities for disadvantaged and at-risk children through initiatives in South Africa, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the USA including after-school support programs in Math, English, Science, school leadership and youth mentorship. Education without Borders has focused its first efforts in South African township schools because problems are significant, including:
  • Impoverished, overcrowded townships rife with crime & violence.
  • Hopelessly overcrowded classes of about 50 children per classroom.
  • A significantly high drop-out rate between Grades 11 and 12, meaning many students do not complete their schooling. Many students drop out needing to earn a living to support their families.
  • A lack of jobs (approximately 60% unemployment) which means many formerly good students are forced to turn to drugs and/or crime.
  • Inadequate technical aids and resources for teachers.
  • Exclusion from the education system. During the apartheid era, very few children had the opportunity to graduate from high school. Some of the teachers in township schools are still suffering from the effects of discrimination.
EwB initiatives include after-school support programs in Mathematics, English literacy, isiXhosa literacy, Science, school leadership and youth mentorship. EwB is currently operating at Mseki Primary in Gugulethu, Nyameko Primary in Mfuleni, as well as at Bellville South Primary schools. EwB is also working with Grade 12 learners at Fezeka High and Bellville South High. EwB provides program grants to help pay for staff and equipment with other non-profit organizations in BC, Canada and Australia.

Nobantu centre

In July 2018, an afterschool tutoring program for English and Mathematics was initiated and facilitated by Education without Borders (EwB) at the Nobantu centre covering Grades 4-10. As a result, our kids have reached the target of a pass mark in their academic codes which has led to the continuation of the program until the present time. During this period of the Covid -19 pandemic, the EwB program has continued to help Women for Peace; a Non-Profit Organization which was established in 1976 in Gauteng as the first non-racial women’s organization focusing on disadvantaged communities. Currently, in spite of Covid-19, over 90 learners are attending EwB classes each week. Tutors are working hard, assisting the learners with reading and comprehension, foundational mathematics and school homework.